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Meet Kenda, the “K9-Window-Patrol”. Kenda is a female German Shepherd who was trained as a bomb and drug detection dog. When she came to her new home, she was in need to work, and with no bombs or drugs to find, she decided to start her new career as the new household “K9-Window Patrol”.

Not only did this new position not go over so well with her people, causing big problems when her humans (who work from home) were trying to carry on a phone conversation for work and the fear that one day, she would go through the front window. But it also did not go over so well with the local mail carrier, FedEx or UPS who would not deliver due to Kenda.

Very quickly these behaviors became very set habits and it was time for a change for everyone to be happy.

What We Did

In order to be able to successfully lay her off from her established position as “K9-Window Patrol”, it was critical to give her new responsibilities and “jobs”.

We also worked on leadership to help Kenda understand that her people are really the ones who decided who is OK and who is not. Kenda learned the “Quiet” command, learned to stay with her person at the door when someone rang the door bell, along with lots more to keep Kenda challenged and busy with new jobs.

“Thank you so much for helping Kenda! It is SO much nicer now at our house when UPS, FedEx, Mailman or any deliveries coming to a door – It’s like a breath of fresh air!

She never touches the windows again!

Thank you again Anna!”

Kindly J.M.

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