- 2016 won Best Dog Trainer of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2015 won Best Dog Trainer of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2014 voted top 10 dog trainer of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2013 voted top 5 Dog Trainer (voted 1st of private dog trainers) of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2012 voted top 5 Dog Trainer (voted 1st of private dog trainers) of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2011 won Best Dog Trainer of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2010 voted top 5 Dog Trainer (voted 1st of private dog trainers) of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2009 voted top 5 Dog Trainer (voted 1st of private dog trainers) of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- 2008 won Best Dog Trainer of Washington through King 5 News and Evening Magazine
- Featured in Mukilteo Beacon
- Featured in Edmonds Beacon
- Featured in Mill Creek Living Magazine
- Canine Behavior Consultant for various different rescue organizations
- Completed detailed study of 70 dog breeds
- Completed courses on dog training and behavior, LA, CA
Member of:
- APDT (association of pet dog trainers)
- IACP (international association of canine professionals)
- HSUS DART member (humane society of the US, Disaster Animal Response Team)
- ASPCA (American society for the prevention of cruelty to animals)
“Maybe there are some areas where, when we are compared to dogs, we come up short. Being called a “dog” might not be such a bad thing after all”.
- John Richard Stephens